Letting you grow ✈️

EASA Examiner cooperates with several flight schools in region. We are helping them to let you grow. Our participation on your professional growth is not only by providing skill tests for obtain the pilot licenses and ratings. In addition we are providing valuable feedback for flight school as well as for you as an Exam candidates. Doing so we play significant role in standardization and sharing the knowledge. Implementing the feedback from the exams the flight school assures continuous growth in quality and integrity of trainings provided. We are sharing the knowledge by issuing the Examiner operation notes.

Keeping your ratings current ✅

Once your class rating, type rating or instructor certificate is about to expire, our electronic watch dog will let you know well in advance. So you can just relax, organize an appointment and we will take care about the revalidation or your rating. Should your rating expire, together with flight school we will take necessary steps to renew it.

Keeping your ICAO English current ✅

By holding ICAO English language proficiency examiner authorization, we are also keeping your ICAO English proficiency up-to-date. Your ICAO English assessment can be provided with as less as 24 hours notice. All the ICAO English exam is processed in our online system. As an outcome of the ICAO English exam, in addition to Language proficiency certificate you will recieve immediately after the exam also:

  • temporary language proficiency certificate (for immediate use)
  • logbook endorsement

Keeping your proficiency current ✅

Our commitment to keep you current also means to keep your proficiency and skills current. This is by providing the different range of the flight trainings. The trainings provided by flight examiner are mostly focused on refresher trainings - such as instructor refresher or training flights towards revalidation of your SEP(land) or TMG class ratings

Least but not the last we are experienced in providing tailored made and customized flight training towards competency based instrument rating. This can be done even in your own aricraft and for us it does not matter whether it is oldish Cessna 172 or shiny brand new Diamond DA42.