ICAO English exams ✈️

As one of our services we provide also ICAO English language proficiency in accordance with ICAO Doc 9835 and Regulation (EC) 1178/2011 FCL.055. Based on the diversity of the operations within the aviation industry the ICAO English testing for all sorts of the personnel involved in the operations. However, regarding the ICAO English exams we primarily focus on the pilots and air traffic controllers (ATC) 

Validity of ICAO ENGLISH

The applicant is rated on a scale from 0 (unsatisfactory) to 6 (native English speaking person) according to the knowledge and proficiency to use the English language. Minimum acceptable level for the operational use according to the ICAO requirements is Level 4, Level 5 and Level 6.

The level of the language proficiency have a specific validity:

  • LEVEL 4 - validity 3 years by ICAO and 4 years by Regulation (EC) 1178/2011
  • LEVEL 5 - validity 6 years
  • LEVEL 6 - valid permanently

Revalidation of ICAO English

During the ICAO English language proficiency examination we consider the candidate as he was never been a holder of the ICAO English language proficiency. So we do not take the current or previous level of the ICAO English language proficiency into account.

The re-validation of the ICAO Englishlanguage proficiency as an endorsement in the license is done by the Aviation Authority. The Language proficiency examiner - LPE is not allowed to endorse the re-validation of the ICAO English language into the license. Therefore, the Aviation authority shall issue a new pilot´s license with new due date of the ICAO English language proficiency.

Content of the ICAO English examination

The duration of the ICAO English language proficiency examination is in between of 25 up to 30 minutes. The actual testing of the language proficiency according to the ICAO standards includes following areas of thae interest:

  • free conversation with the language proficiency examiner
  • description of the picture with aviation content (usually a description of the emergency or threats)
  • reading and translation of the aviation oriented content
  • listening and repeat the recordings with aviation phraseology content

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Choose Aero Language professional ICAO English testing and provides language proficiency examiner training.