This service might be interesting for an EASA flight schools, aeroclubs and DTOs seeking for the freelance TMG examiner for TMG skill test.

⚠️ TMG skill test is the for recreational pilots ✈️

EASA TMG skill test is the flight with an EASA examiner. Successfully passed EASA TMG skill test is the requirement for flying in touring motor-gliders as pilot-in-command. It is important to mention that all of the touring motor gliders are constituting into single and unified TMG class rating established by EASA. However the privileges of the holder are limited to the so-called variant on which the TMG skill test has been taken in. The variant for purpose of TMG class rating is for example Let L-13SWDiamond HK36 Super Dimona is another variant of TMG class rating.

EASA TMG skill test in general

An EASA license skill test SEP(land) for initial obtain of the class rating for touring motor gliders - TMG is carried out after successful completion of the flight training provided by the EASA flight school. The TMG skill test is very often combined with initial obtain of light aircraft pilot license - LAPL(A). You as a trainee has to be recommended for the TMG skill test and also for the LAPL(A) skill test by the flight school.

EASA TMG skill test exam candidate shall have completed flight training provided by EASA flight school on the aeroplane of the same class as the one used for the license skill test. In our case it is the touring motor gliders - TMG of the same variant (e.g., Diamond HK-36 Super Dimona or Let L-13SW Vivat).

What is ✈️ TMG skill test about...

EASA skill test TMG for touring motor gliders is subject to the paragraph FCL.725(c). The scope and details of the exercises to be covered during the flight training as well as the checkride with examiner are described in Appendix 9 of Part-FCL.

TMG skill test exam candidate has to demonstrate ability to perform maneuvers, procedures on that particular variant of touring motor glider with competency appropriate to the privileges granted as an pilot in command (PIC) to the flight examiner - FE(A), or to the class rating examiner - CRE TMG.

The duration of EASA skill test TMG is approximately 1 hour in total provided it is not combined with initial obtain of the flight crew license (e.g. LAPL or PPL). The flight with the EASA flight examiner takes approximately 30 minutes up to 1 hour of the block time.

EASA TMG skill test includes following items:

  • general handling of the aeroplane (normal procedures)
  • general handling of the aeroplane (abnormal and emergency procedures)

Pass criteria ✅ of EASA TMG skill test

Conditions for pass of the  TMG skill test are the same as for any other EASA class rating skill test.

EASA TMG skill test is split into different sections representing the different phases of flight at the appropriate category (aeroplanes) and specific class of the aeroplane - touring motor gliders - TMG of the aeroplane used for the skill test.

We are authorised to provide an EASA skill test for initial obtain of the touring motor-gliders class rating in various variants of TMG class for example:

  • Diamond HK-36 Super Dimona
  • Let L-13SW Vivat
  • and many other

Validity of TMG class rating

Validity of the EASA touring motor gliders class rating in accordance with FCL.740(a) is 24 months (2 years).

TMG Differences training

TMG class rating authorizes the holder to fly on the specific variant on which the skill test with EASA examiner has been successfully passed on. 

Eventhoug TMG classrating constitutes all variants of single-engine piston aeroplane, you are not allowed to fly on all of them instantly. If you for example passed your TMG skill test on Diamond HK-36 Super Dimona, before you are allowed to fly on e.g. Let L-13SW Vivat, you have to fullfil the legal requirement by attending so-called differences training. That is so-called  Transition to another variant of the same class.

EASA differences training is required by FCL.710(b) and by EASA classrating endorsments list. Pilots shall complete differences training or familiarisation training in order to extend their privileges to another variant of aircraft within the TMG class rating.

The differences training shall be conducted either by:

  • an EASA flight school
  • an appropriately qualified instructor unless otherwise provided in the OSD.

Differences training vz familiarization training

Differences training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge and training on an appropriate training device or the single-engine aircraft. Familiarisation training requires the acquisition of additional knowledge delivered by either selfstudy, CBT or instructor.

Differences training endorsement ✅

The differences training or the proficiency check in that variant shall be entered in the pilots’ logbook or equivalent record and signed by the instructor or EASA examiner as appropriate.


Frozen ATPL(A) How to become a professional pilot (c) Milan Mazanovský

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