This service might be interesting for you if you are looking for renewal training required for renewal of your expired SEP(land) or TMG class ratings. We will provide you with renewal - refresher training, sign off your license and make sure your class rating is renewed.

 ⚠️ Class rating renewal ✈️

Once any of the class ratings is expired - to re-gain its privileges, the renewal training has to be followed. With exemption of single engine class rating and TMG any kind of renewal procedure shall be done in the flight school. Upon renewal training, the proficiency check with EASA examiner has to be attended.

The FCL.740(b) has to be met. Prior to the proficiency check complete a refresher training to reach the level of proficiency to safely operate the relevant class of aircraft. The applicant may take the training with an instructor, if the class rating expired no more than three years before and the rating concerned a non-high-performance single-engine piston class rating or a TMG class rating.

It means that the renewal training can be provided by instructor if lapsed for less than 3 years.

Training refresh flight with instructor does not interfere with restriction of examiner's vested interest. So by attending the training flight with Flight Examiner you will get first hand experience from person experienced in doing EASA checkrides. You will have opportunity not only to learn something new, but also to learn common mistakes. At the end of the training, we will provide you with proficiency check so all paperwork is completed and submitted to your authority.

Content of SEP/TMG refresher training

AMC1 FCL.740(b) describes furhter the content and purpose of refresher training required for class rating renewal.

The objective of the SEP(land) refresher training is for the applicant to reach the level of proficiency necessary to safely operate the particular variant constituted in single engine class rating endorsement. The amount of refresher training needed is determined on a case-by-case basis by the flight school, taking into account the following factors:

  • the experience of the applicant;
  • the amount of time elapsed since the privileges of the rating were last used;
  • the complexity of the aircraft;
  • whether the applicant has a current rating on another aircraft type or class; and
  • where considered necessary, the performance of the applicant during a simulated proficiency check for the rating in an FSTD or an aircraft of the relevant class.

It should be expected that the amount of training needed to reach the desired level of proficiency will increase analogously to the time elapsed since the privileges of the rating were last used. Nevertheless taking into account the factors listed iabove, the flight school may also decide that the applicant already possesses the required level of proficiency and that no refresher training is necessary. In such a case, the certificate or other documental evidence should contain a respective statement including sufficient reasoning.

After having determined the needs of the applicant flight instructor should develop an individual training programme based on the initial SEP(land) training, focusing on the aspects where the applicant has shown the greatest needs.

With the exception of single engine refresher training referred to in point FCL.740(b)(2)(i), refresher training should include theoretical knowledge instruction, as necessary, such as for type-specific system failures in complex aircraft. The performance of the applicant should be reviewed during the training and additional instruction should be provided to the applicant, where necessary, to reach the standard required for the SEP(land) proficiency check.

After successful completion of the training the flight school or flight instructor should issue the applicant with a training completion certificate or another document specified by the competent authority, describing the evaluation of the factors essential for the scope of the refresher training, the refresher training received, and a statement that the refresher training has been successfully completed. The training completion certificate should be presented to the EASA examiner prior to the proficiency check. Following the successful renewal of the SEP(land) class rating, the training completion certificate or the other document specified by the competent authority and the examiner report form should be submitted to the state of license issue - SOLI.

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Choose ProfiPilot Training professional flight school and provides professional pilot training.