⚠️ EIR revalidation ✈️
To revalidate your Enroute Instrument Rating, or simply called EIR(A) you have to comply with requirements of FCL.825(g)(2). We are also authorized to sign-off your license upon completion of the refresher training. EIR refresher training is kind of competency-based approach to the instrument rating related general aviation rating. Holders of a EIR(A) shall meet following conditions to revalidate the rating:
- pass a proficiency check in an aeroplane within a period of 3 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the rating; or
- within 12 months preceding the expiry date of the rating, complete 6 hours as PIC under IFR and a training flight of at least 1 hour with an instructor holding privileges to provide training for the IR(A) or EIR.
For each alternate subsequent revalidation, the holder of the En Route Instrument Rating shall pass a proficiency check in accordance with point FCL.825(g)(2)(i).
It means that each alternate EIR(A) revalidation can be done based on your previous experience, however you have to attend at least 1 hour of EIR refresher training with instructor.
EIR(A) training flight with instructor does not interfere with restriction of examiner's vested interest. So by attending the EIR training flight with Flight Examiner you will get first hand experience from person experienced in doing EASA checkrides. You will have opportunity not only to learn something new, but also to learn common mistakes during through. briefing and de briefing. At the end of the training, we will assure your EIR endorsed in your pilot license is properly revalidated so all paperwork is completed and submitted to your authority.
EIR training flight ✈️ content
The EIR training flight for the revalidation of an En Route Instrument Rating should be based on the exercise items of the EIR proficiency check as deemed relevant by the instructor and should depend on the experience of the candidate. The EIR training flight should include a briefing including a discussion on threat and error management with a special emphasis on decision making when encountering adverse meteorological conditions, unintentional Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) and navigation flight capabilities.
In any case, a simulated diversion and instrument approach to an alternate aerodrome in the context of an emergency situation during the en route phase in IFR should be demonstrated by the instructor.
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