Content of Instrument rating ✈️ skill test

Before the actual flight, expect several questions to verify your theoretical knowledge by EASA examiner. You can expect the questions in accordance with GM1 to Appendix 6 on following topics:

  • Air Law
  • IFR Flight planing and IFR Flight monitoring
  • Meteorology

Actual flight with EASA Examiner consists of following sections.

  • Section 1 - Pre-flight operations and departure
    • Use of flight manual (or equivalent) especially a/c performance calculation, mass and balance
    • Use of Air Traffic Services document, weather document
    • Preparation of ATC flight plan, IFR flight plan/log
    • Identification of the required navaids for departure, arrival and approach procedures
    • Pre-flight inspection
    • Weather Minima
    • Taxiing
    • PBN departure
    • Pre-take-off briefing, Take-off
    • Transition to instrument flight
    • Instrument departure procedures, including PBN departures, and altimeter setting
    • ATC liaison — compliance, R/T procedures
  • Section 2 - General handling
    • Control of the aeroplane by reference solely to instruments, including: level flight at various speed, trim 
    • Climbing and descending turns with sustained Rate 1 turn
    • Recoveries from unusual attitudes, including sustained 45° bank turns and steep descending turns
    • Recovery from approach to stall in level flight, climbing/descending turns and in landing configuration
    • Limited panel: stabilised climb or descent, level turns at Rate 1 onto given headings, recovery from unusual attitudes
  • Section 3 - En-route IFR procedures 
    • Tracking, including interception, e.g. NDB, VOR, or track between waypoints
    • Use of navigation system and radio aids
    • Level flight, control of heading, altitude and airspeed, power setting, trim technique
    • Altimeter settings e Timing and revision of ETAs (en-route hold, if required)
    • Monitoring of flight progress, flight log, fuel usage, systems’ management
    • Ice protection procedures, simulated if necessary
    • ATC liaison - compliance, R/T procedures
  • Section 3a - Arrival procedures 
    • Setting and checking of navigational aids, and identification of cacilities, if applicable
    • Arrival procedures, altimeter checks
    • Altitude and speed constraints, if applicable
    • PBN arrival (if applicable):
      • Check that the correct procedure has been loaded in the navigation system; and
      • Cross-check between the navigation system display and the arrival chart.
  • Section 4 - 3D Operations
    • Setting and checking of navigational aids Check Vertical Path angle For RNP APCH: — Check that the correct procedure has been loaded in the navigation system; and — Cross-check between the navigation system display and the approach chart. b Approach and landing briefing, including descent/approach/landing checks, including identification of facilities c(+) Holding procedure d Compliance with published approach procedure e Approach timing f Altitude, speed heading control (stabilised approach) Go-around action Missed approach procedure/landing ATC liaison – compliance, R/T procedures
  • Section 5 - 2D Operations
    • Setting and checking of navigational aids For RNP APCH:
      • Check that the correct procedure has been loaded in the navigation system; and
      • Cross-check between the navigation system display and the approach chart.
    • Approach and landing briefing, including descent/approach/landing checks, including identification of facilities
    • Holding procedure
    • Compliance with published approach procedure
    • Approach timing
    • Altitude/Distance to MAPT, speed, heading control (stabilised approach), Step Down Fixes (SDF(s)), if applicable
    • Go-around action
    • Missed approach procedure/landing
    • ATC liaison – compliance, R/T procedures
  • Section 6 - Flight with one-engine inoperative (OEI)
    • Simulated engine failure after take-off or on go-around
    • Approach, go-around and procedural missed approach with one engine inoperative
    • Approach and landing with one engine inoperative
    • ATC liaison – compliance, R/T procedures