Pass criteria ✅ of IR skill test

All those pass criteria are applicable for pilots applying for EASA instrument rating using:

  • conventional modular way 
  • competency based training concept

The Exam candidate shal during instrument rating demonstrate the ability to:

  • operate the aircraft within its limitations;
  • complete all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy;
  • exercise good judgment and airmanship; apply aeronautical knowledge; and
  • maintain control of the aircraft at all times in such a manner that the successful outcome of a procedure or manoeuvre is never seriously in doubt.

The following limits shall apply, corrected to make allowance for turbulent conditions and the handling qualities and performance of the aircraft used:

Height tolerances during IFR skill test


±100 feet

Starting a go-around at decisioheight/altitude

+50 feet/–0 feet

Minimum descent height/MAP/altitude

+50 feet/–0 feet

Tracking tolerances during IFR skill test

On radio aids


For angular deviations

Half scale deflection, azimuth and glide path (e.g. LPV, ILS, MLS, GLS)

2D (LNAV) and 3D (LNAV/VNAV) linear” lateral deviations

cross-track error/deviation shall normally be limited t± ½ the RNP value associated with the procedure. Briedeviations from this standard up to a maximum of time the RNP value are allowable.

3D linear vertical deviations (e.g. RNP APCH (LNAV/VNAV) using BaroVNAV)

not more than 75 feet below the vertical profile aany time, and not more than + 75 feet above thvertical profile at or below 1 000 feet abovaerodrome level.

Heading tolerances during IFR skill test

all engines operating


with simulated engine failure


Speed tolerances during IR-ME skill test

all engines operating

±5 knots

with simulated engine failure

+10 knots/–5 knots