⚠️ What is IRI(A) revalidation ✈️
IRI(A) or IRI assessment of competence is the checkride - with an Flight Instructor Examiner - FIE for purpose of revallidation of IRI certificate for next 36 months. The aim of the checkride is to assess the competence of the IRI holder to provide the flight training towards instrument related ratings such as:
- instrument rating
- basic instrument rating
- enroute instrument rating
- competency based instrument rating
In accordance with GM1 FCL.905.FI(h)/2) the FSTDs should not be used to pass an assessment of competence on the class or type of aircraft, however it can be used for the purpose of IRI assessment. If done in simulator, than the IRI privileges will be limited to simulator only. Revalidation of the instrument rating instructor IRI(A) can be done only within the validity period of instrument rating instructor - IRI(A) certificate. Once expired, the IRI renewal procedure shall be followed.
It is also important to mention that the IRI(A) revalidation is applicable only for a license holders with endorsed IRI(A) certificate. For holders of Flight Instructor - FI(A) certificate with IRI(A) privileges it is necessary to follow the FI(A) revalidation procedure.
Revalidation of the IRI(A) ✅ Instrument rating instructor in general
Revalidation of the instrument rating instructor - IRI(A) is subject to FCL.940.IRI which directly refers to FCL.940.FI by saying:
"For revalidation and renewal of an IRI certificate, the holder shall meet the requirements for revalidation and renewal of an FI certificate, in accordance with FCL.940.FI."
That means - to revalidate the instrument rating instructor - IRI(A) certificate, the holder shall during the 12 months preceding the expiry date meet at least two out of the three of the following requirements:
- during last validity period, i.e. during the last 36 months to provide at least of the 50 hours of the flight instruction as an instructor, i.e. as FI(A), TRI(A), CRI(A), IRI(A), MI or as an examiner FE(A), CRE(A), IRE(A), FIE(A) and TRE(A).
- 10 flight hours of IFR flight training within last 12 months of the IRI(A) validity period
- completed instructor refresher training as an instrument rating instructor at flight school - ATO
- passed an assessment of competence in accordance with FCL.935 in the period of 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date of the Instrument rating instructor certificate.
At least every second (alternate) revalidation of the instrument rating instructor certificate IRI(A) shall be done by attending the assessment of competence.
Validity of flight instructor certificate ✅
Each instructor certificate issued in accordance with Part-FCL is valid for 36 months (three years). Revalidation of the Instrument Rating Instructor - IRI(A) certificate regardless of the revalidation method extends the validity period for next 36 months (3 years). There is no need to wait for 3 months (90 days) period immediately preceeding the expiry date of cetificate. Unlike the class ratings or type ratings, all instructor certificates can be revalidated within 12 months preceeding their validity.
✅ IRI(A) validity example - normal pattern
IRI(A) certificate is valid until 31 JANUARY 2022 and the revalidation assessment of competence has been successfully passed at 01 March 2021.
- New expiry date: 31 JANUARY 2025
- Reason: Revalidation done within period 12 months preceding the expiry date
✅ IRI(A) validity example - shortened pattern
IRI(A) is valid until 31 JANUARY 2022 and the assessment of competence has been successfully passed at 01 December 2021.
- New expiry date: 31 DECEMBER 2024
- Reason: Revalidation done outside (ahead) period 12 months preceding the expiry date
✅ IRI(A) validity example - renewal required
IRI(A) is valid until 31 JANUARY 2022 and you have done your IRI(A) assessment of competence on 01 FEBRUARY 2022.
- Your CAA will most likely reject your application and void the revalidation procedure if the experience has been one of the revalidation requirements
- Reason: IRI(A) has expired and you need to attend renewal procedure provided by flight school (ATO)
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