Class rating and type rating Pass Standards

In the case of single-pilot aeroplanes, with the exception of single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes, applicants shall pass all sections of the skill test or proficiency check. Failure in any item of a section will cause applicants to fail the entire section. If they fail only one section, they shall repeat only that section. Failure in more than one section will require applicants to repeat the entire test or check. Failure in any section in the case of a retest or recheck, including those sections that have been passed on a previous attempt, will require applicants to repeat the entire test or check again. For single-pilot multi-engine aeroplanes, Section 6 of the relevant test or check, addressing asymmetric flight, shall be passed.

In the case of multi-pilot and single-pilot high-performance complex aeroplanes, applicants shall pass all sections of the skill test or proficiency check. Failure in more than five items will require applicants to take the entire test or check again. Applicants failing 5 or fewer items shall take the failed items again. Failure in any item on the retest or recheck, including those items that have been passed on a previous attempt, will require applicants to repeat the entire check or test again. Section 6 is not part of the ATPL or MPL skill test. If applicants only fail or do not take Section 6, the type rating will be issued without CAT II or CAT III privileges. To extend the type rating privileges to CAT II or CAT III, applicants shall pass the Section 6 on the appropriate type of aircraft.

Class rating exam tolerances

Applicants shall demonstrate the ability to:

  • operate the aeroplane within its limitations;
  • complete all manoeuvres with smoothness and accuracy;
  • exercise good judgement and airmanship;
  • apply aeronautical knowledge;
  • maintain control of the aeroplane at all times in such a manner that the successful outcome of a procedure or manoeuvre is never in doubt;
  • understand and apply crew coordination and incapacitation procedures, if applicable; and
  • communicate effectively with the other crew members, if applicable.

The following limits shall apply, corrected to make allowance for turbulent conditions and the handling qualities and performance of the aeroplane used:

  • Height
    • Generally ± 100 ft
    • Starting a go-around at decision height/altitude + 50 ft/– 0 ft
    • Minimum descent height/MAPt/altitude + 50 ft/– 0 ft
  • Tracking
    • On radio aids: ±5°
    • For ‘angular’ deviations: Half-scale deflection, azimuth and glide path (e.g. LPV, ILS, MLS, GLS)
    • 2D (LNAV) and 3D (LNAV/VNAV) ‘linear’ lateral deviations: cross-track error/deviation shall normally be limited to ± ½ of the RNP value associated with the procedure. Brief deviations from this standard up to a maximum of one time the RNP value are allowable.
    • 3D linear vertical deviations (e.g. RNP APCH (LNAV/VNAV) using BaroVNAV): not more than – 75 ft below the vertical profile at any time, and not more than + 75 ft above the vertical profile at or below 1 000 ft above aerodrome level.
  • Heading
    • all engines operating with simulated engine failure: ±5°
    • with simulated engine failure: ± 10°
  • Speed
    • all engines operating: ± 5 knots
    • with simulated engine failure: + 10 knots/– 5 knots