Obtain of EASA rating
All EASA flight crew license shall be issued with some class rating or type rating. So for initial obtain of EASA license, you also get endorsed particular class rating or type rating. Due that reason, the license skill test contain always elements of class related or type related maneuvers.
In order to extend the privileges of your EASA license further you need to attend specific training and checking. The qualifications extending privileges to act as a pilot on particular aircraft or under particular conditions are so-called ratings. So if you wand to extend the privileges of your EASA license to fly e.g. multi-engine aeroplanes, you have to obtain multi-engine class rating.
As an example, following are the ratings endorsed in EASA license:
- class rating - allows you to fly on particular class
- type rating - allows you to fly on particular type of an aircraft
- instrument rating - allows you to fly as a pilot under IFR
- night rating - allows you to fly as a pilot in night
- etc
To obtain most of the ratings you have to attend the skill test with an EASA Examiner. Once obtained, you are a holder of the rating permanently. Some of the ratings - e.g. instrument rating or class rating have an validity period. Some of them however do not - e.g. VFR Night. rating.
Even if the rating expires, you do not need to attend skill test all-over. In order to revalidate or renew particular rating the proficiency check with EASA examiner has to be attended.
Obtain of EASA instructor certificate
Besides the ratings, an EASA establishes also certificate as an flight crew license endorsement. Talking about certificates it always refers to instructor or examiner privileges. All instructor certificates are valid for 3 years. There are several instructors certificates established by Part FCL depending on the privileges and scope - e.g.:
- Flight Instructor - FI(A)
- Class Rating Instructor
- Instrument Rating Instructor - IRI(A)
- Synthetic Training Instructor - STI(A)
To obtain the instructor certificate the trainee shall attend so-called instructor assessment of competence. All checkrides towards single-pilot instructor certificates are done by so-called Flight Instructor Examiner - FIE(A).
So unlike the skill test - name required for the checkride to obtain particular flight crew license or the rating, initial obtain of instructor certificate is called assessment of competence.